Our Blog
Failing Fast and Learning Quickly
In our first webinar, I spoke about Product Management: Failing Fast and Learning Quickly. In particular I focused on the product discovery phase where we find an opportunity to pursue, ideate on solutions to address the opportunity and then find ways to validate them.
Why I Founded All In Tech
Our Founder, Coral Movasseli shares her journey that has led to this initiative, All In Tech.
All roads lead to Viva Technology 2021
The Viva tech event is approaching fast and we can barely contain our excitement. Here’s how you can win a free ticket!
Careers in Tech That Don’t Require Coding
The exciting world of tech is vast and fast-growing, there is no denying the alure when it comes to careers in the tech field as it is currently one of the most lucrative fields. The word tech is also aligned with the fiction that one has to be able to code and the thought of writing and reading through lines of code can be daunting for a few, luckily we’ve got you covered.
Taking your idea to the next level
All great establishments or businesses started with an idea, a good idea is a strong foundation for any venture, but even a great idea without action is worth nothing. The world is a global digital village that currently grants unimaginable access and allows for collaborations across continents constantly churning out ideas and turning them into businesses. Not all ideas are viable but if you happen to have the next Airbnb or Uber there are a couple of things you need to cross off your list before taking the next step.