Cultivating a Growth Mindset 

by Coral Movasseli, Founder,  All In Tech                                                                                                                                                                                                                              February 27, 2023


We sat down with Sandy de Stadler, an executive coach and expert in the field  to gain insights into the complexities of procrastination, including its psychological and behavioral aspects. We also discussed practical advice and strategies that can help them overcome their procrastination tendencies and achieve their goals.

Procrastination is a prevalent phenomenon that has significant consequences for individuals in both personal and professional spheres. As such, understanding the underlying causes of procrastination and developing effective coping mechanisms is critical for achieving success and personal growth. 

Procrastination often arises from a desire to avoid difficult or unpleasant tasks that elicit emotions such as fear, anxiety, frustration, and boredom. However, according to Sandy, understanding why we procrastinate is just the first step in overcoming it.

In order to address procrastination, we first need to understand how it is serving us. Although it may not be obvious, there is always a payoff when we procrastinate. The next step is to identify specific triggers and develop strategies that work for us. For instance, breaking tasks into smaller, manageable parts and setting a time limit for each part can be effective for those with a perfectionist procrastination style.

Prioritizing tasks is also a great way to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Sandy suggests identifying the top three tasks that will move us forward and focusing solely on those tasks. However, it is important to address procrastination first before prioritizing tasks.

Procrastination can create a lot of stress, leading to mental health concerns such as anxiety and depression. Yet, symptoms of anxiety and depression can make it difficult to take on tasks, making it hard to identify which comes first. To manage mental health and increase productivity, it is crucial to prioritize quality sleep, rest, nutritious meals, physical exercise, setting boundaries, spending time with people or activities that energize us, and learning and practicing self-regulation.

For individuals who struggle with procrastination and productivity, Sandy recommends three tools or technologies: first is to attend a virtual workshop to learn specific strategies to address procrastination styles, second is energy management, which involves being intentional with our time and managing our energy levels and lastly, working with a coach who can help us overcome procrastination and increase productivity.

In my experience, the best way to prioritise is to identify the top 3 tasks that will really help you move forward and just focus on those 3 tasks.”

Don’t let procrastination hinder your growth. Are you ready for a change? Join our interactive virtual workshop to deep dive into understanding your procrastination style and leave with an action plan that you can put into practice right after the session!

About the webinar:

Don’t let procrastination hinder your growth. Are you ready for a change? Join our interactive virtual workshop to deep dive into understanding your procrastination style and leave with an action plan that you can put into practice right after the session!


  • What is and what is not procrastination
  • The different styles of procrastination
  • Strategies to overcome each style


  • An understanding of your procrastination style
  • An action plan to overcome your procrastination


  • 18:30 – 19:30 Interactive Workshop by Sandy


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